DC Kidnapping Lawyer

Defending Your Rights with kidnapping Lawyers in Washington DC

In Washington, DC kidnapping is a serious felony charge that carries with it a maximum sentence of 30 years in jail and a fine up to $75,000. Kidnapping charges may include the traditional situation where a person is taken against their will, or they may also extend to parental kidnapping where no forceful abduction took place. Either way, the charge of kidnapping is serious. If you or a loved one is facing a kidnapping charge, our team of attorneys is prepared to defend your rights and vigorously advocate for your case. A criminal conviction can significantly impact your life beyond judicial punishments.

It is crucial to have an experienced DC kidnapping attorney represent you if you have been charged with a Kidnapping offense.

An experienced DC kidnapping lawyer can assess your case’s strengths and weaknesses, negotiate with the prosecution, and provide guidance throughout the legal process. They can challenge evidence, negotiate plea deals, and represent you in court to get you the best possible outcome for your circumstances.

The criminal defense attorneys at Monument Legal have the courtroom-tested legal experience needed to defend you against kidnapping charges and tenaciously fight for the best possible results in your case.

Stop delaying and schedule a consult. Find out what you are facing in a complimentary consultation with an experienced DC kidnapping attorney and rest easier tonight!

Frequently Asked Questions

A person commits the crime of kidnapping in Washington DC when they take a specific action towards another person for the purpose of gaining a ransom, reward or otherwise. These actions are defined in DC Code Section 22-2001 as the following: Seizure, Confinement, Inveiglement, Enticement, Decoying, Kidnapping, Abduction, Concealment, Carrying Away and Detaining. Further, if you assist a person with any of these actions you may also be charged with kidnapping. It should also be noted, that if two more people conspire to commit a kidnapping, and at least one of these individuals takes a step in the furtherance of the crime, then everyone involved in the conspiracy to kidnap could be sentenced as if they had each committed the kidnapping.

Finally, kidnapping charges may also be brought against a parent of a child even when the child goes willingly. These charges are treated differently from other kidnapping charges and usually involve situations where a parent takes or hides a child from the other parent. Not limited to parents, the DC kidnapping statute includes relatives or other individuals who took directions from the parent. A skilled Washington, DC defense attorney will be able explain the differences in the Kidnapping laws of Washington, DC and advise you on how to avoid violating them or defend against them.

In Washington, DC, kidnapping carries a maximum jail sentence of 30 years in jail and a fine up to $75,000. If you are charged with parental kidnapping, a Washington DC defense attorney will explain to you that the penalties for this offense vary based on the circumstances. For example, if the child is kept within Washington, DC the offense may be treated as a misdemeanor. However, if the child is removed from Washington, DC, the offense becomes a felony. The penalties for this may increase if the child is kept from the parent or legal guardian for more than 30 days.

Consult with a Kidnapping Lawyer

Consult with a Kidnapping Lawyer

If you or a loved one is facing kidnapping charges in Washington, DC, consulting with an experienced lawyer is essential. An experienced kidnapping attorney can help you understand your options, build a defense strategy, and navigate the legal system effectively. Contact Monument Legal today for a consultation and personalized legal assistance tailored to your case.

Why choose Monument Legal?

We have extensive experience handling Kidnapping charges, and are familiar with the judges and the prosecutors. In addition, we will be by your side every step of the way, keeping you informed, answering your questions, and addressing your concerns. Our one goal in every case is to get our clients the best possible outcome. We care about your case, and we care about you.

Monument Legal consistently provides excellent results for their clients, including:

  • Diversion agreements
  • Reduced charges
  • Not guilty verdicts