If you’re seeking assistance with record sealing or expungement in Washington, DC, our experienced expungement lawyers at Monument Legal can provide the help you need.
Monument Legal specializes in assisting individuals with expungement/record sealing in Washington, DC. An experienced expungement attorney can assess your case’s strengths and weaknesses and provide guidance throughout the legal process to get you the best possible outcome for your circumstances.
“Expungement” and “Sealing” are often used interchangeably to refer to the process of making your criminal record invisible to the public or and law enforcement. In the District of Columbia, the Criminal Record Sealing Act outlines who is eligible for record sealing and what type of sealing they qualify for. This process offers individuals the opportunity to move forward without the burden of a criminal conviction in Washington, DC.
You can file a motion to seal an arrest or conviction based on three primary bases:
In Washington, DC, when determining whether to seal a criminal record based on the interests of justice, the court considers several factors. While specific factors may vary depending on the circumstances of the case, some common considerations include:
In Washington DC, if you want to seal your criminal record based on claiming actual innocence, you’ll need to meet the requirements outlined in DC Code § 16-802. The statute requires you to show:
Here are two ways to meet the burden of proof for actual innocence:
To have your record sealed, the first step is consulting with a DC Expungement lawyer who will review your record and determine whether your case is eligible for record sealing. The record sealing statute is complicated and there are several requirements that must be met in order to proceed with filing a Motion to Seal. Determining your eligibility requires a review of your criminal record and the facts and circumstances of the arrest or conviction.
Once your lawyer has determined your eligibility, they must draft and file a motion with the court requesting that your record be sealed. The prosecutor’s office has the opportunity to determine whether they wish to oppose your motion or fight it. A well-drafted motion increases your chance that the prosecutor will not oppose it.
There are several benefits to having your criminal record sealed in Washington, DC.
At Monument Legal, we have the expertise to navigate the complexities of expungement in Washington, DC. An experienced expungement attorney can help you understand your options and navigate the legal system effectively. Contact Monument Legal today for a consultation and personalized legal assistance tailored to your case.
We have extensive experience handling expungements and will be by your side every step of the way, keeping you informed, answering your questions, and addressing your concerns. Our one goal in every case is to get our clients the best possible outcome. We care about your case, and we care about you.
Monument Legal consistently provides excellent results for their clients, including: